Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 36 (8th April) Free & Easy

Today’s our free day which means we can go shopping again! We went to the Bank of China at江汉路 again as we didn’t manage to change yesterday. This time round, I brought my original copy of passport along. Saw some of our classmates in the bank too. As usual, there were annoying people pestering us to change money with them as they offer better rates. They are totally irritating! We went to walk around in the shopping centre as the stalls at 步行街 are not open yet. Spent a 4 digit sum today due to the NIKE shoe I bought. I shall survive with just bread the next few days!

My NIKE shoe! :D

Changing money in china is not easy in china. Firstly, we have to find a bank which accepts Sing dollar. Secondly, we have to bring along our original copy of passport. Thirdly, there are a lot of irritating people pestering and bugging you to change money with them! They just keep buzzing non-stop by your ear even when you have already rejected them several times. The security guards in the bank do not really care either. Luckily the law in Singapore is stricter and there are no such people in the bank pestering you for illegal exchange of money. Or else, changing money can be such a chore.

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