Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 35 (7th April) WUST new campus

Today we visited the new campus of WUST, HuangJiaHu Campus(黄家湖校区). located at Wuchang District(武昌区). it took about 1.5 hours to reach and the campus. the new campus is located at some secluded area. In front of the school is highway and there isn’t any shopping mall nearby. When we reached, we received a warm welcome from a large group of students. There is also a signboard flashing welcoming words. The new campus is way cleaner and bigger! We were assigned a partner based on the number we picked. My partner’s name is called durian if I’m not wrong. She’s currently year 1 and from foreign language sector. We were first led to a room where we had an exchange of performances. Firstly, there was a welcome speech from the local students followed by a speech by a representative each from MDE and ECE. The speech by them is conducted in English and it is considered better considered to a lot in china. They put up a dance and a song item for us. As, we’re all unprepared, we performed the NDP song that we had performed before previously during interaction night.

See! There were so many students welcoming us!

My partner and me

Next, we were brought around to explore the campus. We visited their school museum, which tells us more about the history of the school. I find it interesting as we never had a museum in our school.

Gift from NP!

Model of the campus

After that, we went for lunch with our buddy. The canteen in the new campus is a lot bigger too. There are 3 floors in total and there is even an escalator! Also, there are cleaners to clear the dishes while we have to do it ourselves in the old campus. They even had a PA system to inform people that their food is ready for collection.

Escalator in their canteen, Cool right?

There was still some time before we need to assemble for the interaction games. Therefore, my buddy brought me to her hostel to take a look. as you can see, the buildings are newer and cleaner than the ones we stay in. Not only that, they have 4 to a room rather than 6 in a room in the old campus. They have proper study table each under their bed and it is definitely better than the wooden table we use. I bet the students in the old campus must be very jealous when they see the hostel here. Then, we assembled at sports field for some games.

They decorated their hostel so nicely!

Lastly, we visited the medical school. We were brought to the showroom to see all the specimens. According to the professor, all the specimens are real! However, some still looked artificial to me.

The students in the old campus are friendly and warm people. I really appreciate what they had planned for us and their good hospitality. I am grateful to my partner for bringing me around the campus and taking care of me. However, I find them over friendly and that they will hook your hands throughout the time with them and it made me feel a bit uncomfortable as we only knew each other for less than a day. I don’t know whether is it only me who feel this way, but this may be the culture difference. While in Singapore, we will often start with hand shaking and will not act so intimately until we know each other more.

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