Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 19 (22th Mar 2010)

Had our Is lesson at 1pm today. We were taught about doing business in china and business etiquette. China is quickly transforming into a mass consumer market. Three of the major growth industries though are the exporting of education, processed food and wine products.
These are the do’s and don’ts of doing business is china.
· Be aware of all favors done for you and prepare to respond in kind.
· In China, business relationships are personal relationships; establish a trusting personal relationship that demonstrates your respect.
· Business cards are important, especially in Chinese.
· Become friends with local influential officials.

• Avoid unintentional criticism of others.
• Don't poke fun at someone, even if in fun.
• Don't be the first to reach for a restaurant bill.

At around 4 plus, Deputy director of Ngee Ann Poly, Mr Foo, came to have a dialogue session with us. I was anticipating his appearance as I have not seen him before during my past 2 years studying in Ngee Ann. First impression of him is that he is friendly and warm towards us. He asked about how well we adapt here and he is quite humorous as well. After lesson ended, we went to Guang gu guang chang to shop again and I never fail to leave the mall empty handed. We reached the hostel at around 10.15pm. Washed up and here I am doing my blog.
Deputy Principal: Mr Foo
Us with Mr Foo
China is growing and becoming better in everything. Alost everything that we use is made in china. In the future, it may even become a leading country. We should also work hard for our country too.

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